
How Businesses in the Greater Daytona Region Can Prepare for Hurricane Season

How Businesses in the Greater Daytona Region Can Prepare for Hurricane Season

By heading into hurricane season with a plan, Florida businesses can grant their employees and their customers much-needed peace of mind—and turn a potentially stressful time into a productive one, 太.

Just read on to see how.

Address potential problem areas

Risk management is a vital (and routine) part of any successful organization---and it plays an important role during hurricane season, 特别是. In addition to basic safety and security preparation, companies should consider potential problem areas and ask questions such as…

  • Are there any assets or auxiliary locations that need to be fortified in addition to the main site?
  • What is our plan for business continuity? (Address “what-if” scenarios based on a variety of possible outcomes, such as a stronger storm, change of direction, 等.)
  • What unique challenges does the local environment pose for our location?

By addressing these questions ahead of time, businesses can better prepare for unpredictable weather.

Protect data, 太

对我们很多人来说, “hurricane preparedness” evokes images of putting up storm shutters and stocking up on water. 这些 are very important parts of the process, 当然, but it is important that businesses don’t forget the less physical aspects of hurricane preparedness—such as protecting data to promote business continuity, often through a combination of cloud-based solutions that help you access information even in the event of power outages in one geographical area.

Look out for employees

Communication is key, 特别是 as it pertains to employees during hurricane season. By employing regular updates and mass notifications for closings, 小时的变化, safety advisories and more, employers can help ensure that their team is safe and secure no matter what the weather may bring. When the storm is over, your commitment to communication will also be helpful as a means of informing your audience of potential clients and customers on new hours, opening updates, and even ways they can help the community.

Anticipate changes and higher demand

Depending on your organization, you may deal with heightened demand during hurricane season and the lead-up to potential storms. For example, a distribution center may be moving out more water and dry goods than usual. By understanding these changes and working to anticipate them as often as possible, your hurricane season experience should be that much smoother.

Identify opportunities to help

While the bulk of pre-storm time is often devoted to securing your operation and employees, the period of time post-storm can be seen as an opportunity to get back to normal—and, 在需要的时候, to help the community. Some examples of this seen in past storms have included organizing donation drives, or even offering a spot for displaced employees to work while their usual location is closed. 这些, 当然, are just a few of the many ways businesses can help their employees and their community following a hurricane.

The start of hurricane season may stir up a frenzy—but by following these tips, businesses can better serve themselves, their employees and the communities they play a vital role in.

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